Three Of A Kind

This isn't a case of changing a cap colour for a specific promotion, these lids have no message, no game, nothing. Just different coloured cap.
Why? Anyone out there want to let me know why these changes are happening? I know one set of guys who cannot tell me. The Coke delivery people I have talked to at stores. They have no clue why the change is occurring. A change like this makes a Coke drinker wonder. Are these bottles mislabelled? Miscapped? What? As a consumer the change gives me pause in my purchasing due to that very question. If a change without reason occurs, (like a promotion) then I have to pause and possibly delay my purchase or go elsewhere to see if the brand is correct.
That's precisely what I had to do recently with these Cokes. I am used to the red cap and when I was presented with an entire shelf of black topped Cokes with a couple of red topped far in the back of the shelf I was handed a conundrum. Checking the dates let me know that the black caps were newer and from a different lot, definitely room for some bottling plant error here. I cut my risks and bought the older red caps...better safe than stuck with a bunch of mislabelled Coke Zero.
So, guys and gals at Coca-Cola....get it together. Don't screw with what works. If you have a bunch of new marketing people working for you and they suggested them. Do it now. Why? Two words for you, people.
New Coke.
'Nuff Said!